
Sejal Shah Virmani

Personal Info

Sejal Shah Virmani is the founder. CEO, and Instructor of Yog Shaakti online and in-person free yoga classes. Yog Shaakti has several WhatsApp groups with more than 1000 community members from USA, Canada, and India. These members are fortunate to take advantage of Yog Shaakti services to address their health issue, well maintain their body, and live joyfully well by joining online yoga sessions every weekend using zoom. . Sejal is highly dedicated to serving the community as a professional yoga instructor and ayurveda specialist. Her passionate and ambitious commitment of keeping every individual well healthy and live happily led her to RYT 500 certified Yoga instructor from AYI. Her professional Authentic and Holistic accomplishments as in-person and online Yoga instructor include Patanjali certified Yoga instructor and Gujarat State Yog Board trainer. With 11 plus years of Authentic, Powerful, Energetic and Professional Yoga and Ayurveda Specialist experience, Sejal is honored by recognition awards and certificates from Patanjali Institute and Param Pujya Shri Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India. Her knowledge, skills and experience on the Yoga practices continue to honor her skills in serving for the community as Yog Shaakti Yoga Instructor at the Senior Connection group (senior citizens) in Montgomery County location and Howard County libraries in Maryland once a month.

Sejal’s journey in Yog Shaakti yoga transcends personal practices, coaching others, extending her wisdom, skills, and experience through weekly online and monthly In-Person community services. She conducts regular online Yog Shaakti Yoga classes to the non-profit organizations dedicated to fostering community well-being. Her sessions are not just practice, but an open invitation and opportunity for individuals to understand how their body system functions or be aware of any health issues, correct the health issues with the actual yoga practices, gain health benefits, and learn the techniques to maintain well joyful living.

Join Sejal on this powerful transformative Yog Shaakti journey, where every breath, thought, and movement are steps toward purifying the beautiful body and melodious mind to connect with the joyful soul
Yoga is not just an exercise, it is how skillfully you can communicate and act in any given situation. Innovation, intuition, skills, and better communication: all these are effects of yoga. Yoga always promotes harmony in diversity. The word yoga itself means uniting.
Specially :
Connect Mind, Body, and Soul through Yog Shaakti!!

A Powerful, authentic, and energetic Yog Shaakti session includes Pranayams (breathing exercises to gain control on “vital life force”) to naturally clean or detoxifying internal system; rejuvenate positive energy; balance chemicals; control BP, sugar and cholesterol levels; minimize deficiencies; activate chakras; connect mind-body-spirit; support weight management; address digestion, acidity, back or any join pain; remedy for allergies, asthma, and even AIDS the beginning cancer.

Asanas (poses) to bring relaxation; release stress; increase flexibility and confidence; regain stamina/stability; increase concentration; strength wheel power and internal system; release anxiety. Vyayams (physical workouts) to strengthen heart, breathing, and body muscles; reduce body pains and arthritis; and lower the risk of diseases! Monthly special speakers are invited to provide specific topic information/Discussions to provide professional knowledge on health and Ayurveda to address health issues!
Certification :
RYT 500 certified Yoga instructor from AYI, Patanjali certified Yoga instructor, Gujarat State Yog Board trainer, Honored and recognition awards and certificates from Patanjali Institute and Param Pujya Shri Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India
Experience :
11 Years of Yog Shaakti Instructor and Specialist community services

Yoga trainning skills

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85 %
Boost Immunity, Detoxing and Nervous System Functions
70 %
Practice and Enjoy a Complete Life Changing Experience
85 %
Reduce Stress and Connect Mind, Body, and Soul

Award and Honors

2013-2014 : Certified Authentic and Holistic Yog Shaakti International Instructor

2015-2016 : Patanjali International Yog Shaakti Instructor

2017-2018: Yog Shaakti Yog Guru/Advisor

2019-2020: Online Yoga and Ayurvedic Specialist; RYT 500 certified Yoga instructor from AYI

2020-2022: International Authentic and Holistic Powerful Yoga Instructor

2022-2023: Achievement Art of Living Meditation

2023-2024: Gujrat State Yog Board Trainer

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